Tuesday, February 23, 2010


3 weeks is a long time to not have a loss.

especially when you've been working out 6-7 days a week.

i'll be honest, its hard not to get discouraged when you've been trying so hard in the gym, getting in daily cardio, on what you're eating, and just everything... and to have 3 weeks in a row with no loss.

and yes, i fully understand the whole "muscle is heavier than fat" concept... but 3 weeks? COME ON!

okay rant over. On the positive side, i've definitely been feeling a gain in performance. Though the scale doesn't seem to be dropping, i can clearly feel my endurance increasing when i'm biking, my jeans seem to fitting more loosely and i just feel overall healthier, which is the most important thing anyway.

on a lighter note, i've been meaning to post about a funny story from a few weeks back. i went up to galbraith with a few guys from work and had a great ride. Pretty rainy and wet, but still a ton of fun. about 9 or 10 miles into our ride, we started up a run called cedar something, which is a line full of a ton a fun ladders and skinnies. After clearing a skinny i've never done before on the first try, we came up to a set of bridges and i was thinking about how the last 2 times i'd been up there i'd had some sort of mechanical failure on that trail. I take 2 pedals into a bridge and "SNAP!" my deraileur hanger busted off and destroyed my der. pully at the same time.

lets just say i was a bit ticked. second time in a week that i had broken that darn hanger. I realized later it was due to my chain being too short from a two other runs in which i snapped the chain and had to repair it on the trail...

anyway, i was makin' a scene, all ticked off i'd be hiking back to the truck when not 30 seconds later, a guy comes riding up on a nomad as well. i hollered at him "any chance you have a derailuer hanger?"

"actually, i might"

i couldn't believe it. he pulled off his pack, and after digging around for a few - he pulls out a spare hanger. I couldn't believe it! the odds of finding another guy up on that hill with the same bike, let alone a guy that had that spare part!

i gave him a hug:)

his wife took a picture of us to remember the occasion:

definitely not a great picture, but a great moment either way:)

1 comment:

anna said...

you look SO happy in that picture.